Tetrathlon Rally: May 7, Deep Run Hunt Club
Click here to download the rally invitation with rally / entry details and more:
2022 VRPC Tetrathlon Rally Invitation
Opening Date: March 21, 2022
Closing Dates: Individual Registration - April 21, 2022
- Late entries accepted if room allows - $50 late fee applied
Team & Scrambler Registration - April 25, 2022
Fees: VRPC Members: $85 | Out of Region: $95
This year, we are planning to have the Tetrathlon Rally as a one-day rally with the use of stalls. Overnight stabling will be available
We will be following USPC Championships team requirements and will not have stable managers at the rally (they won’t be at champs either for Tetrathlon)
Dogs should be left at home and will not be allowed to “roam” the grounds, even on a leash.
Coggins and Waiver will need to be uploaded when you fill out the individual registration.
The signed Chaperone form and Coaching Form will be uploaded when registering your teams and scramblers.
Please see the invitation for divisions offered. For Championships Qualification information see the 2022 Tetrathlon Rulebook and Newsletter. Additional required forms can be found on the VRPC Forms page of our website. Please refer to invitation for required forms, such as Chaperone Form, Coach's Form, etc.
• Pre-Novice is the lowest level of competition offered at Championships. No competitors will have the option to compete down lower than the Pre-Novice heights and distances.
• If a competitor competes down at their regional rally they must compete down and incur the penalties associated with competing down at Championships.
To be eligible for Championships a competitor may not compete down more than one division.
Out-of-Region competitors are welcome, if space allows. When prompted during online registration, please use case-sensitive code: OutofRegion